23 Dec 2021
I recently gave a talk on the design process for My Jetson Nano Baseboard, my intern project over the course of my two summers working at NVIDIA. I’ve included the slides below. I chose to discuss this project because it is the most large-scale project I’ve worked on, and I was able to develop skills from the beginning to the end of the product design process.
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23 May 2021
For our final project this semester, my friend Nathaniel and I built a color organ, a multi-sensory device that produces a light show correlated to music or sound. The concept of “color music” first emerged in the 1500s, and color organs have since become more complex and responsive to the intricacies of a piece of music, reaching a popularity peak in the 1970’s disco scene (hence our project’s unofficial name - Seventies-Style Sight and Sound System, or S^5).
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